"To tell you the truth, I am quite contradictory now." King Kong Gun frowned.
"There are many monogamous birds in nature, and geese are the best example. Once they die, the other one will either die in love or die alone. Of course, there are also many polygamous beasts such as lions and wolves. Physiologically, mammals are closer to people than birds. If it is normal for males to have multiple females according to this theory," I thought about giving an analysis.
"Oh …" King Kong Gun seems to think.
"Don’t worry, I just said that although half of people have natural attributes, they must be bound by social attributes, otherwise they will be no different from animals." I shook my head and laughed. I have to tell him that how to choose is his problem
"Is there a generation of men who don’t do bad things?" King Kong Bao went back to bed thoughtfully. The problem he is thinking now should be that he can transfer half his life to Mu Zhuifeng, but he can’t be indifferent to other women.
"I don’t know this. I know that there is a one-in-a-thousand chance that both husband and wife will be loyal to each other." I shook my head and smiled bitterly. This is the 24-year statistics of our country, which will break many people’s love fantasies.
"Why aren’t you like me?" The king kong cannon has brought the topic to my head.
"Because I have a perfect woman," I nodded and smiled thoughtfully for a moment.
"What if Bai Jiuyi wasn’t so perfect?" King Kong cannon is going to fuck the empress tonight.
"Don’t pull me. Always remember that if you want to be a good man, be honest and be an animal at will." I turned around and ignored him.
After breakfast the next morning, I went to the main hall to sort the spiritual objects again. I was responsible for the classification of spiritual objects. The inspection of the king kong cannon was an animal. After last night’s ideological education, this guy lost a lot of nonsense today and stopped dawdling like yesterday
On the fifth day, I took the lead in harvesting, and finally found five mutually interacting creatures with five elements, one belonging to Huang Bei, one belonging to aquatic Zizyphus jujuba, one belonging to the genus Euphorbia, one belonging to centipede branch, and one growing in the crater, Humei with six leaves.
The growth years of these five spiritual objects are all about 1200 years, and the five elements are absolutely compatible.
Although I have made great achievements, I have quietly put five kinds of Lingcao in my arms instead of going to the bottom of the King Kong Gun. I did this not because I wanted to be alone, but because I wanted to leave these five kinds of Lingwu for King Kong Gun. In the process of five elements integration, most of the reiki will cancel each other out, and the remaining reiki will not be enough for me to enter the fairy school. However, it is absolutely no problem for me to help King Kong Gun promote the purple gas peak. There are two reasons why I didn’t let him know immediately. First, he just hit the purple gas peak when he was short of breath. The second reason is that I want to
In the next two days, I didn’t get anything. Although there are many spiritual things, many of them have lost their potency because of too long age. There is also a wild and humid place, and many good things have rotted because of poor storage.
King Kong cannons are responsible for inspecting Dan, and four 3,000-year-old exotic Dan belong to wood, water, fire and soil, and they are well preserved and filled with aura. Besides, nothing is desirable. Most of the Dan hidden by the Danhong clan was cut from the dead animals. Most of these Dan are off the table, and many of them are poisonous. If you eat them, you will die faster than drinking dichlorvos.
"Did you find it?" The king kong cannon poured out the last bit of tobacco and rolled up the cigarette. One Jiang is worried about smoking and worshipping him to death these days.
I didn’t tell him the truth. "You found all four, and it shouldn’t be hard to find the one left."
"Can you do these four Dan?" King Kong cannon pointed at Dan in my hand.
"It’s too long for me to control it." I shook my head and said that the four Danes found by the King Kong Cannon were too full of aura. Once they swallowed my body, the aura would probably not be able to suppress them. Besides, according to the size and size of the eggs, these Danes should have belonged to some kind of big beast, and I didn’t know how the Red Family killed them.
"It’s impossible to control it. There’s one less." King Kong cannon shook his head and sighed.
"Everything in the world has a certain law of reproduction, life and death. These four Dan’s years are almost the same. This situation is rare. Usually, one or five gold animals should be born at the same time. If I can find it, I will try my best." I frowned and said that the animal Dan contains aura. After all, it needs to be suppressed and integrated after swallowing. It is more appropriate for me to repair and swallow the animal Dan for about 2,000 years, which is beyond my ability. This situation is similar to a company road to incorporate a regiment of puppet troops. It is extremely dangerous.
"Can’t you save it?" King Kong cannon pointed to my chest to ask me if I want to save Lv Zhenlan from ginseng seeds.
"I’ll give it to him." I put Dan in my arms and grabbed a few spiritual objects. I said earlier that I wanted an alchemist to save him. Just grab a few and make a sample.
"me!" King Kong cannon has a firm tone.
"Don’t talk to me about what I say." I turned and walked away.
Walking out of the hall, Lu Pingchuan and others are waiting anxiously, but he has lost a lot of people. In recent days, the black and yellow families have frequently attacked the red tribe, and most of the young and middle-aged people have been sent out.
"How about Yu Daochang?" Lv Pingchuan’s mental state is very poor these days, and his worries about foreign invasion have made him extremely tired.
"Prepare the bronze tripod. My brother and I are going to blast the furnace." I nodded and smiled.
"good!" Lv Pingchuan suddenly took a long breath and turned to greet the people to prepare artifacts.
"Do you know the process of alchemy?" King Kong knows what I’m pretending to be, and he’s worried that I’m not pretending to be.
"I don’t know, just make do with it." I don’t think external alchemy is pseudoscience, so I naturally won’t learn that stuff.
Soon, Lu Pingchuan found a lot of bronze dings. Every household here is made of bronze bronze bronze dings, which is naturally easy to find.
"Chief Lu, please prepare dry wood and a secret room." I chose a washbasin-sized tripod with three legs, a bronze tripod with three legs, a male tripod with four legs and a female tripod with four legs, which everyone knows.
"Please come with me, gentlemen." Lu Pingchuan heard that he led us to a closed stone room and then sent someone to bring a lot of firewood.
"How long will it take Yu Daochang?" Lu Pingchuan asked me when I closed the door
"It will take two hours." I just spun it up and turned to the door.
"Make a fire to make the bronze tripod burn red," I ordered at King Kong Gun.
The king kong cannon heard that the fire twisted and ignited the wood and flowers. I threw those few Lingcao into the fire. Did these things have roots?
When the alchemy was scheduled for two hours, it was less than two pillars of incense, so we couldn’t wait to come out. We ignored that there were no doors and windows in the secret room, and they were smoked out …
Chapter 57 Rou Gu Hui Soul
"Yu Daochang is like?" Waiting for Lu Pingchuan to see me and King Kong Bao’s door ran out and asked quickly before.
"Being original and being an alchemist is different from ordinary people, but now it’s done." I crustily skin of head and explained at random.
"It’s so good." Lv Pingchuan’s puzzled expression said that his heart was very uneasy. Under normal circumstances, it takes a long time to make an alchemy, and when the Dan medicine is released, it will taste a little bit of medicine, while the King Kong cannon and I brought out a thick smoke. No one would be practical in their hearts.