Oil and other resources to repay the Soviet debt? Although this seems feasible, there are very few countries that can accept this plan. At present, it seems that West Germany may accept this condition, because if Germany wants to achieve reunification and the Soviet Union has an important attitude, it will have to exchange the conditions that the Soviet Union is interested in for debt reduction. It is absolutely necessary. Maybe Selyosha can make another stroke from the Germans.
However, West Germany has to take the initiative to talk to the Soviet Union about these things. Otherwise, it will be a matter of sitting on the ground. However, although the Soviet Union wants the United States, Selyosha feels that the United States is actually more eager to reach a settlement agreement. After all, the Malta meeting is the best opportunity in decades. The United States must really hope that the Soviet Union can completely remove those dangerous medium-range missiles and steel torrents deployed on the western border.
Selyosha found an opportunity to communicate with Shevardnadze before the formal talks. The theme of this meeting should be the Soviet Union’s deployment of troops in Eastern Europe and the issue of medium-range missiles on the western border. Selyosha doesn’t want Gorbachev to give in on this issue. Even if he withdraws and destroys the deployed missiles, there must be a process. At the very least, the Soviet Union must follow suit. Selyosha hopes that the issue of withdrawing troops from Eastern Europe can be solved in batches, and the corresponding countries want the Soviet Union to withdraw troops and bear most of it.
Shevardnadze still strongly agrees with Selyosha’s suggestion. Knowing where Selyosha is now shouldering the burden, Shevardnadze communicated with Selyosha and immediately suggested to Gorbachev that Selyosha should be the main person in charge of negotiations with the United States.
The first meeting did not talk about any substance, but the two sides were expressing their own positions. These had been confirmed to each other several times before the meeting. On the contrary, journalists all over the world were concerned about the meeting between Gorbachev and Bush. From the current point of view, although the two sides have serious differences on some major issues, they still agree on the basic point of ending the confrontation. The key to the summit lies in the next meeting.
Gorbachev and Bush took their aides to discuss the Soviet Union’s reduction of nuclear weapons and medium-range missiles. This time, it was a real knife and a real gun contest. Xie Liao Sha sat in the corner and listened to Gorbachev’s concession bit by bit. Gorbachev’s concession was too great. The Americans never gave any specific support for their withdrawal from the Soviet Union. Xie Liao Sha looked very vague, but the Soviet Union’s promise was real. Xie Liao Sha could no longer watch it. His sudden speech interrupted the dialogue between Gorbachev and Bush.
"Mr. President, I take the liberty to interrupt your conversation. I want to ask you a question. Do you know when our country was just established?"
Xie Liaosha was suddenly sold in the place, and everyone looked at him, but Xie Liaosha’s face remained unchanged and his heart kept beating. Gorbachev didn’t know what medicine Xie Liaosha was selling in the gourd, but Bush answered the question politely.
"It was this young gentleman in 1922!"
"To be exact, it was December 3, 1922, two days short of 1923. One year later, in January 1924, we lost our great leader Comrade Lenin. Do you know what the Soviet Union was like at that time?"
"I would like to hear more about it!" President Bush replied with grace that the Secretary of State around him had handed him a small note telling him that the speaker was ulyanov, a red man around Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Foreign Trade Minister.
"At that time, the Russian Empire had fallen apart and split into six countries: the Soviet Union, Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. We had just pacified the White Army but lost a large territory in the war with Poland. Pitsudski led 70,000 Polish troops to defeat 2.3 million Soviet Red Army. Besides, Finland and Romania, which had just become independent, were constantly encroaching on our territory at the border. I think it was much more difficult for us to encounter difficulties when we founded the country than the American War of Independence …"
"Well, Minister ulyanov, we are here to discuss the issue between the Cold War. I don’t think your topic is helpful for our negotiations today. If I have time in private, I will be happy to ask you questions about history," President Bush said impatiently.
"Mr. President, compared with the difficulties faced by Comrade Stalin at the beginning, what is the setback that our Soviet Union encountered today …" Hearing that Xie took to Stalin’s venue was quiet again.
Chapter two hundred and forty-four The end of the Cold War
"When Comrade Stalin took over the Soviet Union, we were surrounded by hostile countries. The largest capitalist countries in the world, including your country, did not recognize the legitimacy of our politics. In rural areas, most farmers were still making log plows for slash-and-burn agricultural production. In cities, your country, Comrade Hammer founded a pencil factory, which was enough for Comrade Lenin to treat him as a guest of the Soviet Union. Almost no country in the world was willing to trade with us. I can’t remember that the Soviet Union was not blocked by western countries, but your blockade allowed us. Stronger. During World War II, we wiped out 1.5 million of Germany’s elite troops in Stalingrad, while Britain and the United States joined forces to wipe out less than half a million German old, weak and disabled soldiers in Normandy. Mr. President, if you sincerely hope for world peace today, you’d better reconsider. We are willing to live in peace with you if you offer the conditions, but at least now our status is equal. If you don’t want the Soviet Union to leave you, you really can’t live without Comrade Stalin’s personal testimony. Without foreign help, the Soviet Union has arrived. How powerful is the bottom? Your blockade has enabled us to recover Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and defeated the invasions of Poland, Finland and Romania. We can complete industrialization and defeat the arrogant German invaders under the blockade, and we are confident to destroy all enemies who are plotting against us … "
Xie Liaosha had a long talk, and he spoke English very quickly. President Bush understood him completely. He thanked Liu Liaosha for his talk. Now the Soviet Union is in economic difficulties, which is really the end of the road. When Stalin first came to Taiwan, the situation was much more dangerous than it is now. The Soviet Union can survive. What is the situation now? Selyosha knows what Americans are afraid of. Even if Stalin has been dead for decades, it will always be an American nightmare. Is it possible for Stalinism in the Soviet Union to rise again today if there is no concession?
President Bush knows that Xie Liaosha’s remarks mean nothing but that Bush is an elected president and had the opportunity to personally end the Cold War in the first year of his first presidency, which is a great achievement for any president. World history will record that he personally ended the Cold War and brought the world to peace. You know, not every president has this kind of luck. His former Reagan was president for years, but he was able to make his own wedding dress. But today, Xie Liaosha’s remarks poured cold water on Bush. Xie Liaosha’s Soviet history told him that whoever the Soviet Union left could develop well. For today’s negotiations, Bush has this time.
Gorbachev, Jakovleff, Shevardnadze, who was present at the meeting, thanked Liao Sha for the real meaning behind his stupefied speech, and the silence of the United States also made Gorbachev see things turn for the better. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his heart seemed relaxed. What kind of crisis had not been experienced by the Soviet Union for more than 60 years? What are these problems now compared with the crisis of Stalin and Lenin?
Bush is thinking about what to do in his mind. What if the details really angered the Soviet Union and let the Cold War continue to drag on? I’m afraid there will be no such opportunity in ten years. Today, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is in front of him to meet the demands of the Soviets. It will become the greatest president of the United States after World War II because he personally ended the Cold War. But if he doesn’t agree, the Soviets will leave. Gorbachev’s age and Soviet resilience will end the Cold War. There is no question about whether Bush can continue to be the president then.
The meeting room was silent for a long time, and no one spoke. The American representative was contemplating his political career and the interests of his party, but the Soviet Union was considering the interests of the whole country. At this moment, Xie Liaosha and all Soviet officials present were striving for interests in their own country, because their success or failure did not affect their own future, but affected the vital interests of the 300 million Soviet people, but the American representative was considering their own gains and losses.
"Mr. Gorbachev, let’s talk about the topic just now …" After repeated weighing, President Bush finally put himself down. He really doesn’t want the glory of ending the Cold War by himself to fly to others.
The representatives of the Soviet Union all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. At least now they know the American card. They are more eager to end the cold war than the Soviet Union. If this is confirmed, the Soviet Union can re-formulate its own negotiation strategy.
US Secretary of State James? Baker didn’t expect that ulyanov, who has always been humble, would lead this negotiation. Just a few minutes ago, Gorbachev almost obeyed everything in the United States, but now Gorbachev is aggressive. Baker always thought that the Soviet Foreign Trade Minister had come to Malta to beg for alms from the United States, and he didn’t pay attention to this young man who looks less than 30 years old. However, he didn’t expect that the youngest official in Gorbachev’s delegation was so tough.
With the change of attitude of the United States, the negotiations between the two sides went smoothly. Many Americans agreed to lend the Soviet Union low interest and interest, but before the Soviet Union reduced its strategic weapons and medium-range missiles, the two sides also discussed trade and other issues.
At the meeting in the next few days, the Americans made concessions, which made the Soviets very satisfied. Both sides held talks with great sincerity. The elected President Bush knew that it was not the time to safeguard the interests of the United States. If he let the cold war end, the victory would fly away. On how much interests the United States won at the negotiating table, he would lose the support of voters after returning to China. The voters did not care what he bargained with the Soviet Union. Will Soviet missiles fall on their heads? This is the most important topic for the American people.
The Malta meeting called for a week’s event. When the summit ended, the leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union jointly signed Malta’s announcement to completely end the cold war confrontation and turned to face each other. This news immediately made headlines in the world. From this moment, the shadow of the third world war broke away, and the Malta summit was regarded as a landmark event for the end of the cold war.
Chapter two hundred and forty-five Economic improvement
After the Malta Summit, the Soviet Union and the United States reached a new cooperation agreement at the cost of giving up most of the Soviet Union’s efforts in Eastern European countries and reducing troops and strategic weapons deployed on the western front. Selyosha insisted that the United States agreed to the assistance of gradual withdrawal required by the Soviet Union, and gave corresponding financial assistance after the Soviet Union completed its withdrawal. This was great news for Gorbachev, because when the Soviet Union’s large foreign debt expired in, the Soviet Union could get new loans from the United States to make up for its losses.
However, the biggest benefit is not direct access to funds, but that the Soviet Union can finally import urgently needed materials such as grain and meat from the United States. On the second day after the signing of the Malta Agreement, many enterprises of Gorky Consortium have entered the Soviet market one after another.
Iridium company entered the Leningrad Special Economic Zone with the most advanced satellite phone system. Columbia Bank announced that it would show its financial industry in the Soviet Union, while Glencore reached a strategic agreement with Soviet natural gas Konzern and Soviet aluminum Konzern. In the last month of 1999, Mediterranean trading company imported a large number of drinks and meat from the United States and put them on the Soviet New Year’s market, which greatly eased the gap in the Soviet Union’s response for many years, which made many people rekindle their hopes for future life.
After years of careful care in Xie Liaosha, Glencore has completely become a resource trading platform. His business has covered most of the world’s major commodities, from South American coffee, soybeans, sugar, Indian tea to North America and Australia. Glencore is one of the best competitors in these fields. After years of operation, Glencore has become the world’s largest grain trader, aluminum trader, spot oil trader and the largest buyer of coffee, soybeans and sugar in South America. It is also the largest buyer of gold in South Africa. At present, Glencore is buying copper mines in South America and Africa. At present, it is time for Glencore to become the world’s largest copper ore trader.
Most of Glencore’s customers are blocked or in countries lacking foreign exchange. Glencore’s barter trade has given these countries lacking foreign exchange a new choice in exchange for the needed suppliers. Over the years, with the increasing transaction volume of Glencore, Xie Liaosha has been looking for new markets in Glencore’s resource production. From Japan to the United States, Xie Liaosha has been trying to acquire those industrial enterprises with good profitability to consume resources in Canon’s hands.
Xie Liaosha’s second special economic zone is planned in Gongqingcheng, because it is close to the Far East, which can radiate the whole East Asia and even directly export to Canada and North America. The market there has great potential. Xie Liaosha has planned a large area of land in Gongqingcheng for the construction of new petrochemical projects, new natural gas pipelines and oil pipelines.
Selyosha’s large-scale investment has greatly alleviated the serious unemployment in the Soviet Union. As a result of the natural gas pipeline project, a large number of tourist enterprises have regained orders, and a large number of unemployed young people have been re-recruited. See also the East-West Natural Gas Pipeline Project across the Soviet Union
In order to avoid being taken away by others after the disintegration, and the Soviet government did not have the money to thank Liao for starting these projects, all of them were foreign funds. After the withdrawal tide of Leningrad Special Economic Zone, earning funds from the Japanese market became the main source of funds for large-scale construction in the Soviet Union.