Speed 79
Lucky 2
Attack power 2
Lethality 55~75
Life value 21
Magic value
Physical value 4
Physical armor class 65
Magic armor class 2
Skill sword intermediate wielding speed doubled.
Special skills: chopping waves, intermediate attack, basic lethality 5, physical exertion 3;
Armor manufacturing technology can make platinum-level equipment at the intermediate level, and it also has intermediate identification technology;
Intermediate level of lightness skill;
Intermediate level of relieving fatigue;
Monster identification intermediate
Although my special skills can be upgraded to the master level, I can still be at the intermediate level because I haven’t found a master tutor. Xiaolong is better than me. Now he can fly freely in the sky, but he can’t fly with people on his back. It is still in the growth stage. Xiaolong is an attack power; The lethality is 12 ~ 12; Physical defense 1; Magic defense 5; Life value 25; Physical strength 5; Special skill: Long Yan body attack needs to be full of inflammation and basic lethality of 5.
I looked at the little dragon and sighed at the bottom of my heart. Is the unfair dragon really worse than human beings? At least I have a broken sword. This guy is so powerful with only four dragon claws. It’s really too contemptuous of us humans, but I’m still a little relieved that dragons are not human pets, and they are still my pets. Hey, hey!
I’ve been in the mountains for three months, and I’m still a red man, but I’m a red man now. If I hadn’t broken my sword in my roots, I wouldn’t have reached level 40 so quickly. Although I’ve never been able to catch up with me in practicing my level with me, my flying skills haven’t reached the master level yet, but adding skill points still has some effect. I think I’m a little short of stepping on the snow mark now. Xiaolong has been in the mountains for several months and hasn’t got into his luggage for a long time. Now he reluctantly got into it.
It took me half a day to go back to Nanzhou City. The np in the inn still believed me. Mato and them took care of it for three months. They never used their brains to sell the horse or take it for themselves. Nanzhou City is now more prosperous than it was three months ago. Players are everywhere, and all kinds of occupations are healthy. My appearance has not caused any sensation. It seems that people are no longer strangers to the red man in recent months.
After paying for the horse, my monk robe covered my head and walked towards the management center of Nanzhou City. I remember that when I left the novice village, the ghost king told me that I would go back to the hall he thought of at level 40 to see if there were any rewards to return to the novice village.
It’s still awkward for a red man like me to appear in the hall, because everyone has to worry about being hunted down. If you want to answer the phone, you have to bring a lot of friends to protect the frame. Some people see that I am alone, and there is a flash of greed in their eyes. Because of the strong city rules and the impulse to kill me, the hall is crowded. I don’t care what others think of me. Anyway, I am now ranked first in the game. Who dares to touch me? I went to the forum to see a game list before the last trip to the deep mountain to train. There are several more artifacts in this artifact list, and the most exciting thing is that my name ranks first in the ranking list, and the second rank is just like Xiaolong, which is the same as level 36. Hey hey, I am now the highest-ranking red man in the game. Who wants to use my brain first has to weigh my own weight?
In an inconspicuous corner, I found a reward that requires a level of 40 to return to the novice village. Most people don’t care about this. First, because no one has reached level 40 yet. Second, because most people don’t want to go back after coming out of the novice village, I am a heavy promise. Since I promised to go back to the novice village after level 40, Hell, Wang naturally has to find a way to get back to the novice village.
This name is very funny. It’s called 40-level chat, asking to find five flavors in life, and then going back to the restaurant to reward the shopkeeper for returning to the novice village. If it weren’t for what the ghost king said before I left, it would be very unlikely that I would take this opportunity, because this is really a tight chat, and normal people don’t bother to do it. To be honest, I came to the hall just to try my luck, but I didn’t expect there to be such a one.
I was just about to walk out of the hall when a familiar figure came in from the outside. I couldn’t help shouting "Lin Mu!"
Chapter 43 Chat
"Xiao Hou! It’s really you! " Lin Mu cried out in surprise when he saw that I had a red light.
Lin Mu left a deep impression on me, so when I saw her again, I couldn’t help crying out, "Miss Lin, are you okay?"
"I’m fine, and now I’ve mixed a hall master in the meeting, but why have you been a red man for so long?"
"A few months ago, after the First World War, I stayed in the mountains and didn’t come out to do anything, but my face was still red."
"Well, let me see Xiao Daxia’s life level 40: 21 against 65! Is the first in the ranking list you? " I listened to her question strangely and thought, "Is my name fake?"? The name of the ranking list is written so big that she can’t see it, can she? " In fact, Lin Mu really can’t see it, just like the time I saw Hei Hu. I guess from his rank that he is a person on the ranking list. The specific name is really invisible. Is there a "?" No. This is also the official to protect the players and deliberately block the players’ names. Otherwise, if some malicious people gather to kill the first place, it will not be a joke, mainly because there are still many people who covet me and nod to her to admit it.
"I knew you were very good, Xiao Hou. I was worried when you didn’t join the meeting. Now it seems that I’m worrying about it, but you really have to be careful about the red man. Although you don’t know that you are the top of the ranking list, you can know your level if you are willing to give you a probe."
"eh? What the hell is exploration? Is that what you did when you looked at me just now? "
"But exploration is actually the same as monster identification, but the object of exploration is people, and monster identification can identify everyone in the game and blame me for not finishing what I didn’t learn in the novice village. The monster identification is the second best and I learned exploration."
I’m a little surprised that Lin Mu said this. After all, the priest’s monster identification can be upgraded to the master level. It’s a pity that she appeared in Nanzhou. It should not be alone. I asked, "Miss Lin, you didn’t come to Nanzhou alone, did you?"
"Well, I brought the elite in the hall. They are resting in the inn now. I’ll come to the hall first to see what I can do. I know you’re lucky. Could you please do me a favor?" Lin Mu’s tone of voice has changed a lot. It seems a little polite to me. I don’t know what happened to her these days.
"If you have anything to say, I won’t refuse if I can do it."
Lin Mu took out my golden eagle egg from her bag and handed it to me as an incubation nest with a faint sigh. "Xiao Hou, maybe I shouldn’t have left you. This egg has never shown any signs of hatching since I parted with you. I think it may be that I have a fate with Golden Eagle. Now I want to give it to you. Please help me hatch it. If you don’t want to raise it, you should send it back to the dead cliff. After all, that’s its home."
"I can do it. I can go back to the novice village after I pick up one. When it’s a big deal, I’ll go to the Soul Cliff again and put it back. Miss Lin, I shouldn’t stay here for a long time." I turned and walked back to Lin Mu and sighed. "Xiao Hou, my friend channel is always waiting for you. Remember to page me." I paused and left the hall without looking back.